CUPE municipal workers in Greater Victoria deliver services every day that make our community better for people, families and local businesses.

From the safety-oriented swim instructors to the thoughtful city planners, from the people who keep our parks beautiful and in good repair to those doing the work of managing garbage and recycling pick ups—and to everyone in between—there are thousands of people working hard every day to keep Greater Victoria working well for the people who live and work here.

That’s not to say there aren’t challenges.

With wages falling behind both inflation and the increases in other regions, our local municipal workers are often struggling to afford to live in the communities they support. And significant increases in local municipalities depending on seasonal or casual staff to get work done means the stable employment people used to be able to count on is becoming increasingly precarious.

CUPE members continue to work hard, as they proudly deliver vital services throughout Greater Victoria. Because they know better services make for better communities.

Share your appreciation using this tool… whether it’s nod to an individual who took an extra moment to help, a department who you think is doing something special, or a general thanks to all the municipal workers who are dedicated to make Greater Victoria work better!